Title of the session


Session Organizer(s)

Andrew S. WILSON,
School of Archaeological & Forensic Sciences,
University of Bradford, United Kingdom.
Email: [email protected] 

Richard BATES
School of Earth & Environmental Sciences,
University of St Andrews, KY16 9AJ,
United Kingdom Email: [email protected]

College of Humanities,
University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Email: [email protected] 

Delivery format


Nature of a session

Open for Contributions

Session abstract

Digital heritage offers resilience and the potential to enhance learning from African pasts to manage the future. This session will draw from a wide range of tools used in the digital documentation of archaeology and heritage assets. Of particular interest is an emphasis on the need to contextualize these digital assets, realizing and harnessing their wide-ranging potential. We encourage papers across a range of heritage designations, with particular interest in digital documentation at scale, exploring the role of digital heritage over large geographic areas in urban, rural and coastal settings, in support of 1) documentation, conservation, monitoring and management of archaeology and heritage sites; 2) opportunities to enhance access and widen participation with education, interpretation and outreach; 3) the role of creativity inspired by cultural assets to enrich narratives and the value of co-creating artistic responses to tangible and intangible heritage with community groups, responding to the UN Year of the Creative Economy for Sustainable Development; 4) innovation and development of novel approaches, including citizen science and artificial intelligence; and 5) a key focus on exploring new uses and reaching new audiences for digital heritage - working with other disciplines, including artists and creative practitioners, architects and town planners for regeneration, and in support of tourism and craft industries for economic development.

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