Title of the session
Session Organizer(s)
Elgidius B. Ichumbaki
University of Dar es Salaam
[email protected]
Claudia Lubao
University of St. Andrews
[email protected]
Delivery format
Nature of a session
Open for Contributions
Session abstract
Dissemination of archaeological and heritage research findings and other scientific discoveries to a wider public is as important as the research undertaking and discoveries themselves. With an appreciation of research results dissemination, funding bodies (research councils, academies, foundations, agencies) require scientists and researchers to reveal how they would disseminate their research findings to wider audiences. Conventional answers on how to widely disseminate research findings to the public include presenting research results at conferences, authoring open-access publications (articles and books), making research reports available, and, very recently, post research outputs (publications, images, summaries, etc.) on social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Academia, LinkedIn, etc.). Despite these dissemination initiatives, limited audiences understand the key messages scientists/researchers (in this case archaeologists, heritage scholars, conservators, curators, anthropologists, etc.) aim to communicate. Specifically, researchers in archaeology and heritage studies struggle to find the means through which to widely disseminate research findings and other scientific discoveries to the general public locally, regionally, and internationally. This session seeks to assemble submissions that will inform about friendly, viable, popular, and innovative strategies for archaeologists and heritage scholars to use to communicate their research results and discoveries to the general public.
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