Title of the session
Session Organizer(s)
Professor Kienon-Kabone Timpoko Hélène,
Félix Houphouët-Boigny University,
Cocody Abidjan, BP V 34,
Email: [email protected].
Professor (Dr) Thiombiano-Ilboudo Foniyama Elise,
Ky Zerbo University,
Ouagadougou, Burkina-Faso,
Email: [email protected]
Dr Bouadi Kouadio René,
Jean Lorougnon Guédé University,
Daloa, Côte d’Ivoire, BP 150 Daloa,
Email: [email protected] / rene.[email protected].
Delivery format
Podium and Poster
Nature of a session
Open for contributions
Session abstract
For a long time, Man has shown ingenuity, developing a variety of knowledge and skills, either to adapt to his living environment or to ensure his control over his environment. This knowledge, know-how and techniques, which have stood the test of time, constitute an inexhaustible source of knowledge, effective means of sustainable management of natural resources, protection of the environment and of society in general. In view of this invaluable potential, this knowledge deserves to be preserved and valued in order to face the many disasters which threaten humanity as a whole today. Obviously, some of this knowledge, techniques and cultural practices are disappearing. And yet, they made the notoriety of ancient societies and ensured a real dynamism within living communities. Today they can help solve many of the problems that all mankind faces.
This session at the crossroads of several disciplines, including archaeology in the broad sense, history, geography, anthropology, sociology, natural sciences etc., aims to identify these techniques, knowledge and skills. Often overlooked and valued, so that they contribute effectively to the development process of nations while respecting the environment and society in general. The valorization of all these achievements makes it possible to propose strategies, to root the policies, the development plans of the States in the cultural past of the peoples.
Keywords: knowledge, know-how, techniques, sustainable management, environment
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