Title of the session
Session Organizer(s)
Anne Mayor,
Laboratoire Archéologie et peuplement de l’Afrique, Département de génétique et évolution,
Université de Genève, Suisse,
Email: [email protected]
Julien Vieugué,
CNRS - UMIFRE 7 Centre de Recherche Français à Jérusalem,
Email: [email protected]
Moustapha Sall,
Université Cheikh Anta Diop,
Dakar, Sénégal,
Email: [email protected]
Delivery format
Nature of a session
Open for contributions
Session abstract
Food as social, economic and cultural marker has emerged as a topic of great scholarly interest that needs to be addressed with an interdisciplinary perspective. Researchers can use various evidences to reconstruct ways of food procurement, storage, preparation and consumption, as well as shortage of food. This can be approached via written, iconographic, oral and material sources (including pottery, faunal and botanical remains, human bones and teeth). In order to interpret the archaeological artefacts, ethno-archaeological reference databases are needed. For example, the study of morphometry and use-wear of ethnographic pottery combined with residue analysis can contribute to help identifying the functions of ancient ceramics. Samples of faunal and floral components of present-day meals collected at various transformation stages may also offer a comparative dataset for the identification of archaeological remains. This session would include researchers from various fields to explore the dialogue between the present and the past of food and beverages in Africa with a cross-disciplinary approach. Archaeological studies about different time periods and geographical contexts are welcome to draw a sketch of the variability of food practices throughout Africa and document evidence of periods of starvation. Historical, linguistic and anthropological studies are also welcome to showcase the changes under the influence of the Atlantic trade since the 15th century, and from colonial times to globalization
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