Title of the session
Session Organizer(s)
Nadia Khalaf,
Institute of Arab & Islamic Studies, University of Exeter,
Stocker Road, Exeter, EX4 4ND, United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]
Akinbowale Akintayo,
Department of Archaeology, University of York,
King's Manor, Exhibition Square, YO1 7EP, United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]
Pamela Ochungo,
British Institute in Eastern Africa (BIEA), Nairobi, Kenya
Email: [email protected]
Delivery format
Nature of a session
Open for Contributions
Session abstract
Remote sensing methods are fast developing as an important tool for archaeologists working in the African continent. The main advantages of remote sensing include the discovery and documentation of new sites, protection and monitoring of areas of importance, and cost-efficient analyses of large landscapes. This technology comes at a pertinent time as the effects of climate change, urban and rural development, looting, and conflict, threaten vast areas. Protecting archaeological sites and landscapes is not only important for future generations exploring the past but can also become valuable economic assets as sustainable development strategies. Remote sensing not only provides repeated, regular imagery, important for measuring these risk factors, but can also provide an opportunity for exploring connections between the site, landscape and the people within it. The use of this technology can, however, be restricted by expertise and funding restraints. Working towards an accessible, open-source approach, whilst the capacity building is therefore key for the future.
This session welcomes papers from speakers using a range of geospatial methodologies including 1) remote sensing and automated approaches for site detection, particularly the use of high-resolution imagery, declassified satellite imagery, and LiDAR; 2) remote sensing and geospatial analysis for risk mapping and management of sites; 3) open-source remote sensing to assess landscape changes within the vicinity of archaeological sites; 4) GIS and remote sensing methods for studying human-environment dynamics
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