Title of the session
Session Organizer(s)
Sam Makuvaza,
National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe
[email protected]
Kenneth Aitchison,
Landward Research, United Kingdom
[email protected]
Delivery format
Nature of a session
Open for contributions
Session abstract
The archaeological heritage of Africa ranges from rock art to sites that are associated with food production and sedentary village settlements to complex centers that are typically visible through colossal architecture. The use of archaeological heritage as a resource for economic and social development has become an increasingly vital topic in Africa. There are demands that the management and conservation of archaeological heritage in Africa should contribute towards addressing some of the challenges that the continent is currently facing. The challenges include but are not limited to unemployment, economic development, armed conflicts, population growth, food crisis, trafficking and piracy, urbanization, and the adverse impact of climate change. We invite and welcome papers that will discuss the protection and management of archaeological heritage and how it could contribute towards addressing Africa’s challenges. The session is intended to be of interest to academic scientists, practitioners, investors, developers, landowners, administrators of national parks, religious leaders, traditional custodians, indigenous communities, and politicians alike, particularly those who are working and managing heritage in Africa.
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